Perspectives Series:

April 21, 2016

Ep. 1. Slow Down, Gain Perspectives

Welcome to our series on Perspectives. Within the next 9 videos coach john and Monika Walker discuss and explore in depth each of the 7 Presuppositions […]
April 29, 2016

Ep. 2. Dissolve the conflict riddle, Perspectives

Why is handling everyday conflict such an energy draining riddle in our lives? coach john opens the question and begins guiding us along the path of […]
May 10, 2016

Ep. 3. Gratitude ~ Our Gatekeeper, Perspectives

What is the most powerful antidote for when we are feeling angry, afraid, overwhelmed, discourages or just simply stuck? Gratitude is a powerful “gatekeeper” to our […]
May 13, 2016

Ep. 4. Intention ~ Fear to Flow, Perspectives

“How do I move from fear into flow?” We begin by setting an intention for the best possible outcome. Using our imagination and focusing on positive […]