Welcome to our series on Perspectives.
Within the next 9 videos coach john and Monika Walker discuss and explore in depth each of the 7 Presuppositions we use in Conflict Evolution to shift our state of mind. They are keys, when used together, can transform our lives, dramatically reduce the “energy-drain” of conflict stress and anxiety. They open the doors to increasing the joy and satisfaction in our lives.
When conflict comes up, we need to slow down. Slowing down creates time and space to gain new perspectives, see new solutions.
Join coach john as he guides us through a journey of shifting our inner awareness to gain new skills in handling conflict. We focus on inner conflict, as it is so often the source of outer conflicts.
coach john shares the ‘simple as bread and butter’ 5 step process to navigate conflict situations. Take a breath, slow down conflict situations to gain a new perspective. Discover what you need, what I need and come back into connection.
Please share a comment below.
“Have you ever hear the expression the faster I go the longer it takes me?”
How do you remind yourself to slow down? What is your favourite take-a-break option?